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临沂汽车用品城是最早从事汽车用品行业批发的一个基地,经历从零售到批发,从单一产品到品种丰富的发展的过程,在座的很多为见证人。并借助临沂独特的物流优势,成为中国汽车用品行业北方汽车用品批发的一个重要的集散地。 近年来,临沂市市委、市政府高度重视民营经济的发展,高度重视招商引资工作。香江集团抱着“办好事业,回报社会”这一企业宗旨加盟为建设“大临沂、新临沂”的发展目标上建设队伍行列,在临沂投资建设了临沂香江汽车用品城。 临沂香江汽车用品城是临沂市委、市政府重点招商引资项目,是汽车用品提升改造的重要的专业化市场。临沂香江汽车用品城一期近11万平米,随着二期、三期的扩展将达到30-40万平米,预计今年就要动工。香江集团在全国管理几十个市场项目,深知建立一个市场容易,管理一个市场的艰辛,使我更加珍惜商户的支持。今年3月17日订货会的召开,是首次我们自己人参与的订货会,香江无偿地为各位汽车用品商家提供展示交易平台。今后这样的订货会我们每年一届,今年我们还将发起成立临沂市汽车用品行业商会,为我们汽车用品行业提供更多机会。 临沂香江汽车用品城是华东最大的专业批发市场,而且在三年内力争把临沂香江汽车用品城打造成为汽车用品批发的北方集散地,真正实现南有广州永福路,北有临沂香江汽车用品城的批发格局! 临沂香江汽车用品城今后的发展更需要你们一如既往的关注与关爱!相信,在临沂如此有利的大好形势下,有政府和社会各界的大力支持,临沂香江汽车用品城一定会以强劲的发展态势、成为江北地区最具规模与影响力的汽车用品批发集散基地!为广大商户的发展提供更为广阔的发展空间。 Linyi city is the first in the automotive supplies automotive supplies industry wholesale a base, experience from retail to wholesale, from a single product to the rich variety of the development process, a lot of witnesses here. And with the unique logistical advantages Linyi, northern China's automotive supplies automotive supplies wholesale industry is an important distribution center. In recent years, Linyi municipal government attaches great importance to the development of the private economy, attaches great importance to attracting investment. Xiangjiang Group holding "run business, social returns" to join the business purpose for the construction of the "big Linyi, Linyi new" development goals on the construction team ranks, investment and construction in Linyi Linyi City Lights automotive supplies. Linyi Linyi City Lights Car Accessories municipal government key investment projects, the upgrade is an important automotive supplies specialized market. Linyi City Lights automotive supplies a nearly 110,000 square meters, with two, three extensions will reach 30-40 million square meters, is expected to start this year, we should. Xiangjiang Group in dozens of markets nationwide project management, knowledge is easy to create a market, managing a difficult market, makes me more appreciative of the support of businesses. March 17 this year, the orders will be held for the first time our own people involved ordering, Lights automotive supplies free of charge for you to showcase business trading platform. Such orders will be our future annual, this year we will also initiated the establishment of Linyi City, automotive supplies industry associations, our automotive supplies industry to provide more opportunities. Linyi City Lights automotive supplies the largest wholesale market in East China, and within three years and strive to Linyi City of Lights automotive supplies automotive supplies wholesale to build a distribution center in the north, the real south Guangzhou Yongfu Road, north of the city of Linyi wholesale automotive supplies Lights pattern! Linyi City Lights future development of automotive supplies you always need more attention and care! I believe, in good Linyi such favorable circumstances, a government and community support, Linyi City Lights automotive supplies will be at a strong development momentum, and become the largest in Jiangbei influential automotive supplies wholesale distribution base! Development for the majority of merchants to provide a broader space for development.
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